Phil Lee "When I close my eyes i see blood" More old time favourites Release date 12/02/2024



Released Feb 14 - Phil Lee - ‘When I Close My Eyes I See Blood’ – More Old Time Favorites - media dropbox digital delivery


A side/ Phil Lee – For All The Times I Won’t – from ‘When I Close My Eyes I See Blood’ by Pelookaville Entertainments


B side/ Phil Lee - Did You Ever Miss Someone from -  Looking For Love Vol 2 (2023 update) by Medicine Show Records

 Phil is a hipster madman Huck Finn meets Jack Kerouac. If he were a character in “On The Road” he’d be the guy in the back seat telling Sal and Dean which billboards the Highway Patrol is lurking behind, which diners have the prettiest waitresses, where to find the best pie a la mode in any given two mile stretch of Route 66 and where you can stop and get your hat blocked in an emergency 24 hours a day, no appointment necessary. Or, more likely, he’d be the guy they were barrelling down the road to meet for hot coffee and enlightenment...



You won’t find this album or Phil Lee on Spotify chasing monthly plays for nickels and dimes, you will find him on the road entertaining his loyal fans, coast to coast, states-side and coming this-side this Summer, already confirmed for headline spots on 2 festival stages, and booking dates, Radio Stations & House Concerts now!  ‘No gig to BIG no hall to small’ email me now to secure.


You will find it and all other Phil Lee epics for sale at



Join me and Phil on iMTV for


Phil Lee Euro Launch of 'When I Close My Eyes I See Blood'


    My return to Radio


iMTV - international; Moose TV is teaming up with MKB Independent Radio to launch Phil Lee - The Mighty King of Love's, new album 'When I Close My Eyes I See Blood' (just in time for Valentine's day) I'll be joined online by Phil streaming in from Cayucas California, and will be with Mary Kathleen Burke in Glasgow for the first MKB Radio 'Tank Of Gas Radio Radio Show'. Its my return to radio after 3 years (since Brother Mark left us) so fitting it would be with his favorite songwriter and friend Phil Lee. Its Phil's first album since 'Phil Lee & Other Old Time Favorites’ and follows in the Old-timey vein which Mark would have loved.


I'll be talking to Phil Lee about all of that, delving into the album and we'll get a live song or 2 (internet willing) on iMTV – international Moose TV 8pm GMT High Noon Pt  Monday 12th February. Miss it and suffer the consequences. He’s coming to Europe this summer mind. Booking radio sessions and interviews now (ping me)


 Tune in here




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